Take for instance - English, most people here thinks that people who speak English is cool. but this generation though.. most of them speak good English.
Korean people are the heaviest drinkers on earth, in fact, Soju is the alcohol company that sells the most in the world, and they only cost less than $2 (USD).
Within their Confucian framework, emotions must be discreetly controlled in public. People with higher status or rank show negative feelings more freely than those of lower rank.
Plastic surgery isn’t a secret here, not many people would actually lie that they’ve done it.
The older, the superior or the man pays, it’s an unfair world, but that is how it is here.
There are 3 major religions in Korea, Buddhist, Christians and the no religion. While it seems more like a country with more Buddhists, there are actually more Christians.
Koreans loves their Coffee, you can find the widest range of coffees here. They cannot live without it. and believe it or not, the coffee shop culture have only been here for much lesser than a decade.
Unlike other races, Koreans will always be Koreans, and they are proud of it. Even when they are born in another country, they will always feel that Korea is their own country and there will always be this huge bond between them and their roots.
Blood type tells what type of person you are, Koreans really obsessed about Blood type thing and if you want them to think that you’re the perfect blood type, just say A. because As are known to be perfectionists and Bs are players, ABs are hipsters, and O are plain and lazy.
South Korea is definitely on the forefront when it comes to the term “Save the Earth”! We always try to save on energy and recycling. The Korean government initiated a program throughout the country back in 2005 that tries to limit green house gases by conserving the energy costs of businesses.
Koreans are extremely emotional in all facets of life. It’s just another Korean personality trait. When a person dies in Korea, it’s not quiet; Koreans give new meaning to the word “cry.” But of course death is an emotional aspect for any culture.
Koreans still have many obligations towards one another and share a close intimacy. The traditional Korean family was based on the male family line. Traditionally, only a male could be the head of the family. This has resulted in some unusual situations such as a single or divorced mother needing her five-year-old son's signature on legal documents. Modern Korean society has given women to the right to head a household. Extended family also holds an important role in Koreans' lives.
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