In other words "save face" means is avoiding humiliation and retain respect in any situation under any circumstances. And any damage to "face" can damage the business relations as well, that's why it is very important to be very careful.
Another thing would be that Koreans can't say "no", and will agree with anything you ask for, even if in reality they will not mean it. Moreover, they tend to avoid a straight answer and personal responsibility for anything.
Due to this, Koreans are taking long to make a serious decisions.

So, it is very important to avoid any situations or comments that might make another person "lose face". Because of this all feedback and critics should be done privately tête-à-tête. Whereas, compliments and praise is welcomed to be done in public, but mostly as a group and not individually. In other words, it is better to compliment group as a whole, and criticize each person face to face. Consequently, be prepared to get the same attitude towards yourself, this can cause some uncomfortable situations, like you probably could never get a sincere response on your actions and decisions as a manager because of this "saving face" concept.
Also, while receiving and giving gifts it is important to remember to refuse the gift at first, and accept it only at second or third time. Same when presenting the gift, don't get offended if Koreans reject your gift at first, just offer it again until they will agree to take it.
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